First of all, we understand how constipation occurs, what is the reason behind this and what causes constipation.
Before jumping straight to the topic of constipation. Let’s see how our digestive system functions so that we can understand constipation better.
Our digestive system starts working as soon as we eat something as the food goes into the stomach. It breaks down into smaller pieces and digestive juices are added.
Now the liquid food passes on to the small intestine where the food is digested and the nutrients are absorbed.
Now from the small intestine, the food will go to the large intestine which is also called Colon. Colon includes Cecum, Ascending Colon, Transverse Colon, Descending Colon, Sigmoid Colon, Rectum and Anal Canal.
Rhythmic contraction of muscular wall of colon called peristalsis which helps in removing the content of Intestine towards your Rectum.
When the Colon contracts, it absorbs the nutrients and water from the partially digested food which is moving through it and the residue waste material, which is called stool is stored in the rectum until it is expelled through the Anus. This is a normal condition of digestive system functioning.
But in the case of constipation, contraction of muscular wall of Colon causes food to move too slowly. As a result, Colon absorbs too much water from the food this condition leads to hardened stool and constipation. Now let’s see the solution of Constipation.
Acupressure Points for Constipation
(1) St 25
St 25 means Stomach 25. This point is also known as Tian Shu.
It is located three finger width away from the navel. It is on both side of the naval.
This point is beneficial in Constipation, Diarrhoea, Abdominal pain, Irregular periods.
(2) St 28
The name of this point is Shuidao
To find this point you have to go three finger width down from the navel and two finger width towards left.
When you will apply pressure at this point, you will feel some pain. Now press on this point two to three times a day.
This point is beneficial in Fertility issues in women, Constipation, Uterine fibroids, Cysts. Menstrual pain.
(3) UB 25
This point is also known as Da Chang Shu.
The location of this point is four finger width below the waist and two finger width away from the spine.
This point is beneficial in Diarrhea, Constipation, Lumbar pain.
(4) UB 57
The name of this point is Cheng Shan.
This point is found in the centre of calf muscle and in the midway between the knee and the ankle.
This point is beneficial in Leg pain, Lower back pain, Constipation, Hemorrhoids.
(5) K 6
Zhao Hai is the name of this point.
The location of this point is one finger width below the inside of the ankle bone.
This point is beneficial in Insomnia, Male sexual problems, Constipation, Irregular menstruation.
(6) TW 6
TW 6 is know as Zhigou.
The pressure point of TW 6 is in hand.
The location of this point is three finger width above from your wrist line and in the midway of forearms.