Twelve Meridian

Best way to improve concentration | Acupressure Point for concentration | Twelve Meridian

Hey guys, hope you are well. Today i am gonna share with you a very effective solution of a very common problem which is almost faced by every student i.e. Lack of Concentration.


This problem is often faced by us in our day-to-day life. In fact sometimes we aren’t even aware that we have a deficiency of concentration. We take it very lightly.

You experience it when you try to focus on your particular work. It may be any project or study.

Has it happened to you that you have forgotten something by keeping it somewhere and when you need it later, you did not find that. Then you feel so frustrated.

Get rid of a headache

Often given situations are faced by us :-

— Lack of Intellectual ability

— Lack of Work

— Lack of Concentration

— Lack of Focus

— Making careless mistakes

— Inability to perform complicated tasks

— Unable to perform

Somebody’s saying goes out of the top of our head, we are not able to concentrate on anything.

If you are a student then you would also be facing the above symptoms . While studying, after certain time gaps you might check your phone or when any notification pop up on phone. You become curious to check the notification. Also some random thoughts come to your mind while studying. Your performance at work or school could be affected if you can’t concentrate.

You may have seen many mothers complains that her children don’t study. They have become stubborn, either they watch television or use mobile phones whole day.
But she didn’t realise that there is no fault of her children rather her children have a deficiency of concentration. Due to which they would not able to learn things easily and could not develop their interest in studies, rather they got bored and start finding other things which make them feel comfortable and interesting.

Only children do not face this problem. Rather, people of old age also have this problem. As a person grows old, his concentration power decreases.

 Reasons for lack of concentration :-

— Insomnia (Lack of sleep)

— Stress

— Anxiety

— Anger

— Hungry

— Alcohol, etc…..

But the bigger problem is that you think that there is no natural way to cure this problem or mainly you do not take it as a problem. If you take it as a problem then I’m sure you definitely consult with the doctor. But it doesn’t happen like that. Am i right..?

Most of you know know that it’s a problem it should be treated but still you don’t visit doctor. You start thinking what i will discuss with the doctor. And you continue live your life with this.

But you don’t need to be disappointed, there is a way you can diagnosed yourself and enhance your concentration by just pressing some Acupressure points and you will find amazing results.

Acupressure points for lack of concentration

(1) Lack of concentration can be treated by applying pressure to the treatment point located on the root of the nail in the little finger of the hand (towards the ring finger).
Best way to improve concentration | Acupressure Point for concentration | Twelve Meridian

(2) Surprising benefits can also be achieved by giving treatment at the point located on the top of the head, where the peaks are placed, to increase concentration.

Best way to improve concentration | Acupressure Point for concentration | Twelve Meridian

When you will apply the pressure in these treatment points, you will feel distinct type of pain. Then, immediately understand that really you have a problem of lack of concentration.

(3) Third Eye point

This point is very important to increase your concentration, focus and memory. This point can also benefit you in other problems like Headache, fever, etc.

Best way to improve concentration | Acupressure Point for concentration | Twelve Meridian

This point is located between the eyebrows where the nose bone meets the forehead.

(4) H9

When you start studying and trying to memorize your lesson. But you do not remember it. In that case, this point can prove very useful for you.

This point can also be used in the problem of breathing difficulty.

Best way to improve concentration | Acupressure Point for concentration | Twelve Meridian

(5) Liv 3

This point is very useful for you when your decision making power becomes weak and you are not able to take the right decision on time.

This point is also used in anxiety and nervousness.

Best way to improve concentration | Acupressure Point for concentration | Twelve Meridian

This point is located between the space where the thumb and second largest finger’s bone meet. Press here 3 to 4 minutes on each foot.

By regularly pressing these points you will find notably surprising results. 

— You will be able to grasp things very easily

— You will complete your work without getting disturbed.

— You will be more focused towards your work

— Your thinking ability will enhance

— Your grade in school will also improve