
Acupressure for Migraines – Acupressure Can Help with Migraines | Twelve Meridian

Topic : Acupressure for Migraines- Acupressure Can Help with Migraines

At times, all the cold compresses and coffee in the world don’t always seem to be enough to alleviate migraine pain. If this sounds familiar, you might be interested in learning more about Acupressure. You can try it as a natural, relatively safe method of pain relief. Acupressure is a complementary treatment that may help some people with migraine symptoms. It is said to alleviate the symptoms. This technique, like acupuncture, involves stimulating specific pressure points on various parts of the body.

You may have heard about the benefits of acupuncture treatment for a variety of health issues ranging from back pain to chronic migraine headaches, but did you know that acupressure works in the same way—without all the scary needles?

Acupressure, like acupuncture, is a complementary medicine technique based on the traditional Chinese concept of Qi, or life energy that flows through the body in pathways known as meridians. According to this tradition, various illnesses and pain are caused by obstructions in the flow of Qi. Acupuncture and Acupressure are used to remove blockages and restore your body to its natural form.

Acupressure has been there for thousands of years, and it is a part of TCM or traditional Chinese medicine.

The idea is that acupressure can help with any physical or emotional pain, so it can help migraineurs — especially since it’s free, usually safe for most people, and simple enough that you might even be able to do it on yourself during a migraine.

Use pressure points or acupoints to relieve migraines.

If you want to give it a shot, good news: it’s elementary. It only takes some minutes to get comfortable, close your eyes, and massage the pressure point in a circular motion for 15 to 20 seconds. You should apply firm pressure, but not so strong that it begins to pain.

Acupressure for Migraine

Now let us look at the acupoints and massage those particular points using the acupressure technique to relieve oneself of migraine.

Use Acupressure on your face.

1. The Third Eye Point


The third eye point, also called GV 24.5, helps relieve migraine and head congestion. This point is located between the eyebrows, and the exact location point would be the part of the forehead that joins the bridge of the nose.

Press this point with firm and slow, gentle pressure for one minute. You can also try a circular movement of your finger over this point. Use the one that works best for you. Do this for fifteen to twenty seconds. Then after a gap of a few minutes, do it again. You might feel some instant relief from your migraine.

2. UB 2 (Zanzhu)


Zanzhu, also known as B2 or Bright Lights Points. These acupoints are located in the inner corners of the eyes, above the eyelids, and lies on the bone which surrounds our eyes.

Use the top portions of your index finger to massage the points for a whole minute. Then give some rest and carry on the same procedure for a total of 3 times or more. Alternatively, you can do the Acupressure for both the eye points separately. Emulate the style which suits you best.

3. LI 20 (Yingxiang)


Yingxiang, also known as Welcome Perfume and LI20, relieves migraine and sinus pain. This point is near the bottom of your cheekbone on the outer side of each nostril. Use firm, deep pressure, or circular pressure. Perform this for one minute. After resting for a few minutes, repeat the same step.

4. LI 4 (Hegu)


For migraine headache relief, try rubbing a pressure point in the hand known as the “Hegu” or “LI-4.” This pressure point is situated between the thumb and index finger.

According to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, applying pressure to the Hegu may help relieve headache pain. For about 5 minutes, apply firm pressure to the Hegu with the thumb of the opposite hand. You can do this as many times as you need to throughout the day.

5. GV 16 (Fengfu)


Wind Mansion should be stimulated. The Wind Mansion point, also known as GV16, aids in the treatment of migraines, stiff necks, and mental stress. It is situated in the center of the dorsal part of your head, and it lies midway between your ears and your spine. Find the hollow under the base of the skull and press your finger into the center. Apply deep, firm pressure to the point for at least one minute.

Alternatively, you can also provide circular motion pressure, firm yet gentle on that point. Take some rest, and repeat that again. You might be familiar with the technique now. You can do this as many times as you wish during the whole day.

Some of the other notable points to apply pressure during migrain are :-



The Liv3 acupressure point is situated in the dorsum of the foot, in the hollowish part where the junction of the first and second metatarsal bones.

Applying pressure on this point can relieve you of migraine.



This acupoint is located on the back of the forearm, about 2 thumb breadths up from the wrist crease. Massage this point with one finger firmly yet gently or you can also massage this point in a circular motion. Pressure on this point is said to give relieve to migraines. Keep the pressure, firm but gentle, for 15 seconds or so and repeat again. You can do it as many times in the day you wish to.

GB – 20


This point is located behind the mastoid between the trapezius and the sternocleidomastoideus muscle at the lower occipital border. Pressure applied to this point reduces the headache of migraines. Apply the pressure for 15 to 20 seconds and rest and again repeat this process.

GB – 43


This point is located on the back of the foot between the 4th and 5th toes, nearer to the margin of the web at the junction of the red and white skin. Pressure on this point, direct pressure or circular massage, provides relief to the migraine pains on the head. This process has to be repeated after some rest and the pressure should be Applied for 15 to 20 seconds.

Conclusion Of Acupressure for Migraines- Acupressure Can Help with Migraines

We have discussed some of the procedures we can apply while we have or are suffering from migraine. There are other acupressure procedures, too; however, we talked about those procedures, which are the most common ones.

Hundreds of thousands of people swear by these techniques and say they have received immense relief from their migraines.

At the end of the day, one should remember that Acupressure is an alternate treatment and is not a substitute for proper medical healthcare. Since these methods are absolutely side effect free, one can try these acupressure techniques alongside their regular medication.

Concluded our topic Acupressure for Migraines- Acupressure Can Help with Migraines

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