Twelve Meridian

6 Best Acupressure Point to increase the oxygen Level

Looking for the best acupressure point to increase oxygen level at home, then read the complete article. Research has found that there are specific acupressure points in our body that have higher oxygen levels. When you press those points, you will find that your oxygen level starts increasing.

Before jumping directly to the acupressure points to raise oxygen, firstly, know what blood oxygen level is and its symptoms.

What is Blood Oxygen Level?

Blood Oxygen level is the amount of oxygen red blood cells carry from the lungs to the whole body. It is essential to have a balanced oxygen level so that the brain, muscles, and organs have sufficient energy to function correctly.

What happens if the blood oxygen level is low?

There are many signs and symptoms which start appearing when the oxygen level is going down.

Includes :

  • Shortness of breath
  • Headache
  • Chest pain
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Rapid breathing
  • Coughing

6 Acupressure Point To Increase The Oxygen Level At Home

LU4 (Xia Bai)


To find this point, you have to sit straight, and your neck should also be straight, then take your hand to the nose. The upper arm’s point on Lungs meridian that touches the nose is the critical point (Lu4).

Lu4 is also known as Oxygen point. This point regulates Qi and Blood. This can also be used in cough, shortness of breath, the tension in the midriff region, pneumonia, etc. This is one of the best acupressure points to increase the oxygen level.

LU8 (Jingqu)


The location of this point is 1 cun above the crease of the wrist, just lateral to the radial artery.

Lu8 is a horary point of the lungs meridian. This point is also used to treat various problems such as pneumonia, cough, throat problems, asthma, nausea, breathlessness, distension, pain in the chest, etc.

LU9 (Taiyuan)


This point is located in the crease of the wrist, just lateral to the radial artery.

Lu9 or Lung 9 is the source point on the Lung channel. It is the main point to tonify Lung-Qi and Lung-Yin. This point can also be used in various conditions like breathlessness, palpation, feeling of oppression of the chest, cough, etc.

Also Read: Acupressure points for periods pain.

P6 (Neiguan)


This point is located on the medial side of the forearm, 2 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis.

This is the Luo connecting point of the pericardium meridian with the Tripple warmer meridian. It is one of the essential distal points for any problem in the chest region and diaphragm. It can be used in various conditions, including Chest pain, palpitations, feeling of tightness of the chest, heaviness in the head, or headache due to lack of blood in the head.

P7 (Daling)


You can find this point in the middle of the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of the palmaris longus and the flexor carpi radialis muscles.

This is the organ source point of the pericardium meridian. This is the specific point for the treatment of coronary arteries.

H7 (Shenmen)


On the ulnar end of the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression on the radial side of the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle.

This is also the organ source point of the heart meridian as well as calming point. This point is also used in chest pain, shortness of breath, dry throat, cold hands, insomnia, etc.